
Showing posts from July, 2018

2K18 LESSON #11

Be wise. Get mentorship. Seek for knowledge. Stay awake, focus and plan. Upgrade from being a pawn  To become a Queen. Be your own person. Advice. Get advice from the experienced.Be wise. Be @ your best.Life is like Chess. # ChessAchiao  


Q-GENTLEMAN This society, composed, as it is, of many varying natures and elements, where each individual must submit to merge his own identity into the universal whole, which makes the word and state, is divided and subdivided into various cliques, and has a pastime for every disposition, grave or gay; and with each division rises up a new set of forms and ceremonies to be observed {4}  if you wish to glide down the current of polite life, smoothly and pleasantly. The young man who makes his first entrance into the world of society, should know how to choose his friends, and next how to conduct himself towards them. Experience is, of course, the best guide, but at first starting this must come second hand, from an older friend, or from books. A judicious friend is the best guide; but how is the young man to know whom to choose? When at home this friend is easily selected; but in this country, where each bird leaves the parent nest as soon as his wings will bear him safely up,

Chess Lessons: Manipulation

                                                                                                                                                                                               . MANIPULATION What is Manipulation? An act of managing or changing to suit one's purpose. We learn cool abilities in chess. Some of which I wish I had learnt in primary, I can only imagine how great I would be today. One of these abilities which is also my favourite ability that I just recently mastered. The ability of Manipulation. This ability allow you to manipulate anything,  and if mastered, you will begin to do things that no one has ever thought  possible to do or accomplish. And this, is just one of the many abilities that chess teaches and empowers. Manipulation. In chess you are required to think ahead(this is called forethought), you think of several moves that you and your opponent can possibly make just after your next move. Now this is where manipulation comes in. In chess

Leader's Challenges


Achiao Q-experience Chesspiration

Find out about Achiao Q-experience Chesspiration chess educational value institute. Click.. Achiao Q-experience Chesspiration