Chris Achiao; Save a Life Introduction

''You don't need a cape(look cool) to save a life. Be different. Save a Life.We all can do it, just Focus to being yourself(be original), you don't have to be like her or him just because you and everyone else thinks he's better or cool.Someone out there needs a person of your character.No one can play your role better than you can.Take your time to THINK about it.''

''Remember that you are wonderfully made, you are beautiful, handsome, intelligent, confident, courageous and smart, and you have an important role to play in the world.You matter, you are important.So stand up tall to whatever they may say and stand your ground be different, make a difference, you might never know who is in the same situation, and that, is a life you have saved.''

Keep in mind that we were make differently for a reason.
Stay in touch to hear about why we are made to be different...




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