Revelation Of Creation


Take your time to study the world and share what you uncover, regarding the creators intentions.

This is not what God intended the world to be like when he created the world and men. He created one handsome man and he put him in a beautiful garden called Eden, a garden full of beauty and life. A place worth looking at and endurable. Then He blessed both the Garden and the Man that He had named Adam.
The Garden would grow more beautiful than before because of the richly blessed Adam’s cultivation. I can imagine, it was not called hard work to work for rich food to put on the table and give perfect health to our godly bodies, it was called a blessing. So, God saw that all was good and lovely. Imagine the smile and satisfaction on God’s face. Then he amazingly saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone. As I close my eyes, I can imagine that, He thought and thought of what he should do for Adam as if he had not done enough already.
A rib of my rib, a bone of my bone. After a while God finally though of a lead to what he should do for this amazingly satisfying man who follow all commands of his creator. “I will put him to sleep and draw a rib from him. Yes, all this time I thought of what to give him next. All this time it is in him!”
So, the rib was surgically removed, and the wound was perfectly closed. With the rib out of Adam God took his time again, thinking of what he should turn it into. “Adam has been faithful to me and he trusted me by giving me his rib, yes, I will close the part where it came from and as God I will give him the result of his sacrifice. Another man? No. Wait, yes. I know. A woman. Out of this rib I will create a Stunning beautiful and gorgeous woman, so they can satisfy themselves and multiply through what I call sexual intercourse. I call this marriage. He earned it.”
So, now we know. God had beautiful…in fact I don’t even have words that match the description of what God intended when He created the World and everything in it. All I know is that, it was beyond beauty.
Yes, the man kind sinned against God our creator and this what I personally call THE AGE OF THE FALLEN. All that was blessed stayed blessed, yet the painful part is that it became a curse. Viz. multiplying(labor) now came with an unbearable pain, and cultivation became hard work etc.
That only meant one thing, no hard work no riches no food on the table and if you cannot bare the pain then no children. Now you understand, we are still blessed, yet it comes with a price.
This was not God’s intention for creation. Hard labor, poverty, need, suffer, pain, sick, sadness, being bank rapt, to live in houses and drive cars that do not satisfy you and to live in fear etc. No, you see God wanted everyone to have everything that they could ever imagine. A blessed life, beautiful cars, money, beautiful houses, clothes, beautiful body, gorgeous skin etc. He wanted us to live heavenly lives, I mean he even created us in his likeness, in his image.


How blessed is the one who returns to his creator, how blessed?
You see, even after the whole murcica of man kind’s fall, he still had hope in us and still loved us. He decided to redeem his creation. The man called Jesus Christ, who happens to be the son of the high Living God yet the Holy spirit yet again the Father who is God himself. Was given to redeem us.
The most interesting part of his redemption is that not everyone wanted or even now wants to be redeemed. “My people are dying because of lack of knowledge.” Don’t you understand what it means to be redeemed? Don’t you. That bloody sacrifice, that open wound, that pain and splashing blood like a tomb. That is the key for a place and a life of no pain, wounds, sickness, blood being shared, poverty, bank rapt, evil, wickedness etc. Don’t you understand that this redemption means being brought back to the beautiful Garden of Eden, a life of luxury and heavenly beings? Don’t you see. That is what it is. Heaven on earth then that perfect day will come for a whole perfect life, but it is only found in Christ Jesus alone.
When you have accepted Jesus Christ to be your Lord and savior and you begin living in him, moving in him and find your being. You will then begin a life he intended for you. You will find character, value and a future in him.
Why must we live like this when Jesus Christ came through for us. Why then. We were created to be RICH and beautiful that is why God made us. To praise and worship him in luxury being in him.


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