Love Is a Favor
is a Favor
Do you have any idea how rare love is? I suggest that when
you find one, honor it.
To love and to be loved is not something light. It is a privilege. I don’t know if you have ever heard or maybe felt that love is power. It can build you, and its traits are in fact remarkably powerful beyond all odds. What we need to understand about love is that, it is a great responsibility beyond all measures of the powers of this world or the Glorious Heavens. Without it, nothing would exist.
Some people have seen and experienced the power of love
through undeserved favor over everything they have done to think that they
don’t deserve such love. They have been built and made strong, they have found
courage and strength to stand against all that opposes them even against their
own thoughts.
To love someone has a wild choice that must be made wisely about true commitment, trust and respect alongside of it. The choice of accepting the responsibilities and accountability of the possible relations of the trials and errors.
When someone poses as the love of your life, it is important and wise to give it a time of study before any rush decisions. Keep him/her at your arm’s length. The values of love are well known by the wise. Beauty attracts the eye, but personality captures the heart. He must find value in you, when he is around his friends he is not bossy nor proud, he is selfless, he does not think of himself better than others, he is rather humble, gives interest to others interests and he has the same concern with everyone. When he comes to you he does not change, not for you nor for the world. He is who he is, a young man who truly finds value, trust and respects you. Well, it is rare to find such people, who will brighten your day just by looking at them these days. Such people don’t come from below they come from above to restore you. Keep this in mind, that God works with his Holy spirit through man.
How do I know all this? Well, you see, I too once thought that I didn’t deserve to be loved, to be done favors for, because of everything that I was and that I have done: proud, did things out of selfish ambitions, and I thought I was better than everyone and that I could have everything, I was manipulative, a liar, I would never keep my word, I looked down on others, full of myself and self-praise. So, one day I swallowed my pride and everything that came with it, and I saw what kind of monster I was. I became ashamed of myself and I thought that I deserved every ounce of people’s hate. Then a man named Christ Jesus made all the negativity and the self-blame to go away, he came and loved me though I was unrighteous, though he saw filth, dirt, wickedness, a broken person, a good for nothing, a nobody deep in the depths of my heart, he loved me the same, gave me favor and union though I didn’t deserve none of that. I saw many people who were better than me who deserved this love instead of me. That is why I honor love, because I found refuge in him, life, hope, a future, and a reason to fight for what I believe. This is what I have learn t that love is a privilege- favor that is an unfair game.
Some people don’t give much but mean so much. Some people are worth keeping and fighting for even when they think they don’t deserve it. Let me tell you the truth about favor, favor is not a fair game, never was never will be. That’s why I suggest that when you find love, honor it because it is a privilege, a favor.

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