The Art of Proclaiming The word of God in difficult times

What are your limits in worshiping and praising God?
Say you are facing a difficult challenge, your child, mother, father, girlfriend, boyfriend or whoever is close to your life, is about to passaway, or say you were writing an important examination or looking forward to positive results of something so important. You pray earnestly and diligently to the Lord and you just give it all you got, looking at the task in hand and just knowing that God is able to do exceedingly and above all, you know you can rely on him, and you can trust in him, hoping for the best from the Lord. However, say your child, mother, father, or whoever it may that you have been praying for, does not make it, or you don't get the results you were waiting for. Do you still worship, Praise, Glorify and proclaim The Name of The Most High Lord, The Name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour, The Son of The Most High God? Do you?
The difficult task or challenge is not your dying relative or examination's results! No, instead it is the decision that you have to make after the results of what  you were praying for.
You see sometimes we believe and wait for a miracle, but thing just don't workout the way we experct. The task ahead of us is that, can we still proclaim the truth, that God is our healer, that God is good. It is very important to carry on proclaiming the truth and worshiping God for who he is, and sometimes we don't see what we respect or what we praying for. We seem to forget that God's thoughts are higher than of our own, and he has no intentions of harming us, for it is written. Isaiah 55:8-9," For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. 9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."  Jeremiah 29:11," I alone know the plans for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for." Does he not say?!
So we just have to carry on praising and proclaiming the truth about God and we should never stop. Remember that there is a huge celebration in which we are looking forward to, the ultamate celebration of eternal life with our Father. Life is temporary, so don't let things of this world and these storms we face to stop you from gaining a perfect permanent life with God. Let us then go out and do the will of our Father who is in Heaven and try at all costs to please him, by Proclaiming his word, by being Obedient, Faithful, and Fruitful. Sing out loud, with joyous songs and be glad in the Lord.
Well, I know that I have no limits. I know sometimes it can be difficult but I pray that I may continue to praise and worship him, through the worst and the best.

-Chris Achiao(Hlonela Christian Mzilikazi)-


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