Tackling anxiety

What is anxiety? 

The words “worry” and “anxious” are often used interchangeably. While the words are definitely related, psychologists define worry and anxiety differently. The symptoms of worry show in the brain differently than the symptoms of anxiety. Worry is short-lived concerned about a particular situation. Anxiety is a constant feeling of stress, unease, or worry. Worry is momentary, where as anxiety is often long lasting.
Anxiety can be defined as awareness working against you. It’s an intense awareness of what could go wrong or what is going wrong. Anxiety is never founded in truth or reality; it's a fear that sinks in as you become aware of all the possibilities of what's "wrong". The devil uses anxiety to cloud our minds to believe that everything that could go wrong will. In Philippians, we see that Paul is encouraging the church to not be anxious; but to bring our anxieties to God. He shows us that when we do this, the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds. He also instructs us to think about things that are true, and right, and pure, and lovely instead of thinking on things that the devil uses to distract us. The battle of anxiety happens in our minds. In order to combat this silent killer, we must use the weapons that God gave us (the Holy Spirit, the Bible, community, etc) to take our thoughts captive and to focus on His goodness!

What to do: What are some things that you find yourself anxious about? Write them down and Write a prayer asking God to reveal to you the truth about those things. Write down the truths that He shows you.Find someone (a trusted friend, pastor, or leader) to pray with you about these areas in your life. 



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