Be humble and polite

1. Praise someone putting aside jealousy

Never let the ill-feeling of jealousy ever dominate your heart and mind and the best way to defeat it is to admire and praise someone’s trait or beauty with an open heart. It is one’s greatness to admire someone, don’t hold yourself back from being great.

2. Know your talents but have no pride

No matter how talented you are, how wealthy you are and how beautiful you are, you must keep your nose at a friendly level despite being aware of your traits keep no grain pride.

3. Express your standpoint without being ruthless

For expressing your standpoint, it doesn’t mean only by being rude and ruthless you can convey your difference of opinion, no its not that, you can express your viewpoint in a soft tone too and that will sound more convincing.

4. Confess your mistakes

To err is human, its natural to commit mistakes so always confess your mistakes without being reluctant. The person who is of very low strength is afraid to confess his mistakes, so choose to be strong and admit your slip-ups.

5. Receive compliments with cap in hand manner

When you are good at something then people tend to appreciate you, while receiving huge compliments from the other side never give the impression that ‘Yes I am’, rather receive the acknowledgement with a cap in hand manner.

6. Don’t wear any mask, be you

For being humble you don’t need to leave your individuality and needs to become a clown for others, be you in a most sublime and humble way, that’s it!

7. Emphasize on giving

Be a hand that always gives, that always takes initiative to pull some one up, to help others, this is the most perfect way of practicing humbleness.

8. Don’t impose your opinions on others

Imposing your ideologies on others is something really disgusting, so know your limits when you are in a gathering and appreciate others point of views too.


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