Does your background or past influence your present time?

We are very conditioned by our genetic inheritance, social construct  and our experiences but I do not think anything other than our personal choices can determine what becomes of us- with the exception of dire circumstances.

I've been following the developments in some of the very empoverished and marginalized Rroma. A beautiful group hoped that in a matter of 12 years, they hope to get at least one young Rroma youth out of there and help them integrate and succeed, in the hope that that person returns and inspires a couple of more- and in the span of decades, perhaps, a good portion of the community will be transformed.

i took this example because we are talking about a community where abuse of every kind is rampant, there is no education (they have access to it but do not value or believe in it), children are sent out to beg at very young ages and the idea of working for an earning is quasi Non existent. Furthermore, many of them have been exposed to alcohol or drugs in utero and throughout their infancy (to keep them quiet or sleeping) and as a result they face numerous mental handicaps. Now, with these many odds against you, it's hard to imagine that just will can get you out of it. As a matter of fact, when my friends asked a 16 years old couple who had a child what they dreamt of for their future, they said they hoped to get some land and a home and a carriage and horse and for their children to be healthy. They can't even dream of education, career success, happy family. It's not on their radar. I do not think anyone is doomed but unless someone does something for these people, very systemically, there is little hope.

Now there are many other scenarios, more typical for the most part. For one, I had a very hard childhood. When people around me were saying : childhoods is as good as it gets, all I could think was, Lord don't let that be true! I couldn't wait to grow up, take matters into  my own hands and craft the life I wanted to live. All the broken marriages and families around Me just made me wish all the more for a happy, stable home. I never cared about marrying just some girl I loved, I knew I wanted to marry a lady who would prove to be a good and responsible wife, a lady who would bring love and stability and joy to the home.  In that sense, all the hardships I had to deal with made me very resilient, made me mature beyond my age and helped me set my priorities straight. I was just shaking my head when my classmates were complaining for petty things such as being grounded from watching TV.

It pains me to say however that I cannot say the same about my cousin, who lived under the same roof , and who chose to keep going down the path of destruction and is perpetuating much of the pain and trauma that was present during he's childhood.

Ultimately, I believe life is about choices. But, our family background can be a major determining factor in propelling us forward or keeping us behind, in building us up or tearing us down. Our past build the person we are now either negatively or positively, and therefore until we are aware of our background/past we are entitled to made choices in our present time to change our future. And God partake as huge significance to the succession of our future as he the only one who drafted and designed our lives.

Jeremiah 29:11
Mathew 25:14
Mathew 6:33
Job story
David story
Samuel story
Paul story
Moses story
Esther story
Daniel story
And many more...

The Lord God used Their backgrounds to build the people they became to be.


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